Daryl Sherman初来日

Daryl Sherman(1949- )

2012年の暮から3か月間滞在し、代官山のTableaux Loungeで2月末までピアノの弾き語りをやっていました。


ピアノの弾き語りと言えば、ブロッサム・デアリーを思い出すことと思いますが、ブロッサムのようにかわいらしい声で歌います。ピアノはMarian McPartlandの名前も出していましたが、達者です。



かのArtie Shawが「一級のシンガーでミュージシャン」と折り紙を付けました。(2013/2/25)


Daryl has been staying for 3 months from the end of the last year and was singing and playing piano until the end of February at Tableaux Lounge in Daikanyama.

As usual, I was recommended to listen her piano and songs by Shiozawa-san my old friend.

When we talk about self-accompaniment, I remember Blossom Dearie, Daryl really sang with pretty voice like Blossom.

She also mentioned the name of Marian McPartland, very old English Jazz pianist.

She came to our table during the break and spoke, but it didn't quit. We were talking until the next set starting.

However I thought I visited Tableaux Lounge at first time, I found manager's business card after came back home. It wasn't for the first time. (Feb 25, 2013)

Official Site ⇒ http://www.darylsherman.com/

Marian McPartlandの名前を出したと言いましたが、古い写真が出て来ました。

Marian McPartland and Daryl Sherman